Thomas Hall School Newsletter - Vol 2 - 24.07.24
Message from The Headteacher
Dear Parents and Carers,
On the final day of term, there have still been many things happening around the school. Earlier this week, we had our Reception and Year 1 Sports Day, which was led by our Year 10 Sport Studies pupils, which was lovely to see. Our Early Years and Key Stage 1 classes also held an Olympics-themed afternoon on Tuesday.
To end the Year, we held a staff wellbeing event in our Forest School area, that involved making pizzas, toasting marshmallows, turning a bowl and playing music. It was a lovely event, and I am so grateful to all our staff’s hard work and commitment this year, the school has come a long way since September!
I wanted to make sure I share key information with you, so I am including our September expectations for uniform, along with a complete staffing update, as we say goodbye to some colleagues and welcome new ones into our Thomas Hall family.
This term we say goodbye to Mrs Rowe, who has been a regular presence in our reception classrooms over the last few years. Mr Underwood and Mrs O’Day retire this term, and I know that they have worked with so many of the children on this school’s journey, through Steiner, Avanti and now Thomas Hall School. Mr Kinch, who has been a key member of our primary team is moving to Pinhoe Primary School, and Mrs Towler Williams, who has played a huge role in building the foundation steps to improve our SEN provision is moving out of education and into the world of adult support. We also will be sending our best wishes to Miss MacLellan who will be on maternity leave from September. We will miss each colleague hugely and wish them well on their next adventures.
Joining us in September we have in our primary phase:
Miss Dennett – Year 4 teacher
Mrs Edmonds – Primary Teacher
Mr Boult - Primary Teacher
And in secondary:
Mr Livingston – Science Teacher
Mr Wills – Science Teacher
Miss White – Maths Teacher
Ms Ward – English Teacher
We will also be welcoming Mrs Parker, who will be joining our Senior Leadership Team as our Inclusion and SEN lead from September.
This term we have now advertised for and recruited our new members of the school Senate, that will meet with me weekly and form part of our pupil voice strategy. I would like to thank Freddie, Sylvie, Ophellia, Jacob, Oliver and Elizia for their fantastic contributions to the school over the last 12 months. From September, we welcome Aiya, Amber, Malakey, Sam and Izzy to be our Senate for the next academic Year.
As you know, this year we have allowed a phasing out of Avanti uniform for pupils. From September we will have clearer guidelines on our school uniform. Details of our primary and secondary uniform can be found on our website: Click for uniform guidance page along with PE uniform expectations.
School starts back for all pupils at the usual times on Wednesday 4th September.
From all the staff at school, we wish you a restful summer break and we will see everyone recharged and ready for the 2024/2025 academic Year.
Yours sincerely,
Phil Arnold
Parent Feedback Form
Film Club
Last week we had our Film club show-reel show for friends and family, 25 minutes of the best films from the hardest working gang in Britain. They each received an Oscar and the popcorn was plentiful. Thanks to everyone who attended, maybe next time it'll be a real Oscar!

Educational Excellence
Message from the Head of Primary
This term's theme has been Gratitude, and we have had many reasons to be grateful. As you will be aware, the SAT and Year 4 Multiplication Check results this year were our best ever, and I am so grateful to both students and staff for all their hard work. Our Year 5 and Year 6 play buddies have demonstrated an impressive level of commitment and kindness throughout the year, and I am so proud of them all. As a reward we hosted an additional Forest School session for them last week, with their reception wards, and it was lovely to see the different age groups interacting in such a positive and enriching way.
We are thrilled that our new teaching staff hires for this academic year – Emma Dingle in Year 2 and Jenny Roberts in Year 3 – have been such huge hits with the children and we are very thankful that they haven’t been put off and will be returning in the Autumn. Huge congratulations are due to Mr Felton who, last week, completed his apprenticeship with us and is now a fully qualified teacher. He has been a wonderful and very supportive teacher to his Year 5 class this year, so it is fantastic news that his teacher status is now official. It is always a real joy to be able to nurture young teachers through the early stages of their careers.
We are constantly developing our Teaching & Learning systems, ensuring that the learning process is more transparent and that every child is aware of each lesson pathway. We know that this year has had its low points, but please be assured that we are constantly trying to improve communication, and we are looking forward, with even higher hopes, to the new academic year.
Moving forward into 2024/2025, we will be embedding more enrichment opportunities into the learning experience and developing our curriculum to make it more relevant for our children, focusing on surrounding areas and on our responsibility for sustainability. Wishing you all a wonderful summer.
Julia Wood
Head of Primary
We have had a busy, but very successful year in the Reception class. Through a range of child-led topics, we have learnt and experienced traditional stories, dinosaur diets, levels of the Ocean and different mini-beast life cycles. We have particularly enjoyed our mini-beast visitor, author visits and participating in many fun craft activities!
I have been so proud of how much the children have enjoyed their learning, and how they have been able to take their learning into their play, without any prompting from me! Phonics and reading have never been higher and the progress in their writing has been amazing! All of Reception should be really proud of all they have achieved.
We were thrilled to be able to round off the year with an Olympic Event for Reception, together with Years 1 and 2. They are all superstars!
Last week, Year 1 learnt all about cutting techniques in D&T and then very energetically (and slightly messily) put their new skills into action by making their own fruit kebabs. This week, in English, they have been putting their practical experience down on paper and very enthusiastically writing instructions for their fruit kebab recipes.
Year 2 have been learning all about maps and have made some beautiful Map Keys for the geographical features around Thomas Hall School and Exeter. We have loved being outside in the sunshine this week, exploring the school grounds, taking note of significant landmarks and features and discovering how to use compasses to get around. The children have been sketching some lovely maps of Thomas Hall School and I have been very impressed with the level of detail they have put in. In English, we have been experimenting with rhyming words and poetry and the children have come up with some fantastic (and often hilarious) rhymes and short poems. In art, with Ms Maclellan, the children have been very enthusiastically engaged in an “Under the Sea” themed project and have produced some incredible sea puppet sculptures.
Year 3 had a magnus dies (great day) at RAMM last week, learning all about the Romans, our topic for this term. They dressed up as ancient Romans, played some themed games and learnt all about daily life in ancient Rome. In English we have been reading The Magician’s Nephew, the first of the Narnia series in chronological order, and the children have loved exploring the wonderful fantasy world of C.S. Lewis.
In Maths, Year 4 have been learning about position and direction, looking at co-ordinates and translating them onto a grid. In English, the children have really enjoyed creating brochures on a topic of their choice. They have been very busy researching their chosen topic online, writing some excellent copy and designing some beautiful artwork. Our current topic is environmental regions and so far we have been delving into Europe, Russia, North and South America. In art, Year 4 continue to stun me with their fantastic creativity and have produced some spectacular Sunset silhouettes.
Year 5 have been diving into structural engineering this week, designing and building their own bridges, using a variety of materials. We have been looking at ways of strengthening structures, including shapes that make structures stronger and suitability of different materials for different purposes. The children enjoyed putting their bridges to the test and seeing if their creations could hold various weights. Our English work has had a rather eerie theme this week: we have all enjoyed reading some extracts from The Nowhere Emporium and exploring the wonderfully descriptive magical language; and the children put their own descriptive skills to the test, with some wonderfully dark and fantastical setting descriptions of a camp by a lake. Well done to them all.
Year 6 is an extremely challenging time for students, and I am so grateful to all our Year 6 cohort for their focus and determination this year. Their hard work and dedication has really paid off and we were thrilled to achieve our best SAT results ever, with a 20% increase on last year. I am so proud of them all! We had our leavers picnic on Friday evening and it was an emotional but lovely sendoff. They have been a brilliant class and I will be very sad to say goodbye but I know they will continue to thrive and I am thrilled that so many of them have chosen to stay on at Thomas Hall for Secondary. Highlights of this year include our epic adventure residential at Barton Park in Torquay as well as our fantastic fun packed day at Crealey.
Students in Secondary Maths have been working on using Maths in practical ways. With some students out of school, Some of our Year 8 and 10s have been looking at Budgeting, using resources from Barclay's bank to help them to understand living within financial constraints, and make decisions about spending and understand the importance of managing their finances.
This week some of the Year 8s have been practicing their data analysis skills to compare information about different countries, I am looking forward to displaying their finished work.
Students across Secondary have just completed their end of year assessments for Maths. Well done to you all for your hard work this year.
Mrs Pollington
Year 8 have just finished their Media Unit, where we focused on bias advertising and the use of camera angles to enhance narrative and inform the psychology of a scene. As part of the Media Unit, we have been reading War of the Worlds by H.G. Wells (first published in 1898) and comparing it to the 2005 film, in particular noting the gender and societal differences between then and now. Finally, we rounded off the Unit with Year 8 putting their newfound Media skills to the test, by originating and presenting their own ideas for eco-friendly products in a Dragon’s Den style pitch.
Miss Lewis
Year 10 have just received their mock results and we were thrilled to see a couple of 9s amongst the grades, which bodes very well for next year. Year 9 have been very engaged in their study of the Cold War and particularly relished making societal and world view comparisons between the Cold War era and our current global political situation. Our Year 8 and 9 French trip brought history to life and the children were very respectful and a credit to the school while visiting the sites of the D-Day landings on Omaha Beach. Finally, Year 7 have just finished studying World War 1 and have been enjoying the cross curricular text, Private Peaceful.
Mr Hawkins
The second half of the summer term is always a busy one for Sports and this half term was no exception. Primary sports day was two weeks ago, and it was a great success. The weather was not too hot, which made for perfect conditions for our young athletes. We were really thrilled to have so many of our parents there to support our Primary children and a special thank you must go out to Year 9 who completely excelled themselves, running the event. They were awesome helpers so a big shout out to our Year 9s. Secondary sports day was last Friday, and it was an absolute scorcher so thank you to the PTFA team who ensured that everyone was kept hydrated. Every student attending sports day took part in at least one sport and it was fantastic to see all our Secondary children out together and participating with such great sporting spirit. Early years sports day was on Monday, and they all did brilliantly. Thank you to the Early Years parents for coming along and supporting them so enthusiastically.
Mr Page & Mr Morgan
In physics, our Year 7 students have been studying circuits and very much enjoyed making electromagnets. In biology, Year 9 have been looking at human diseases and considering body responses and immunity. Dissections are always popular lessons and Year 10 were very enthusiastically engaged when we dissected eyes earlier this term; and Year 9 were equally fascinated by our dissection of a heart earlier this week.
Mr Jones
In music this half term the children have been very engaged in a project to make their own Digital Audio Workstations. The project was to complete a 2-4 minute multitrack piece of music using samples, MIDI programming and original recordings that are related to the Thomas Hall themes. I’ve just started going through the project work, and I am really impressed with the quality of work I’ve heard so far. To the right you will see one of our student’s projects - their theme was kindness.
Mr Jones
Year 8 Drama students have been adapting children’s picture books into theatre pieces this term. Some of these were performed to children in primary this week. We had The Tiger Who Came to Tea, Lost and Found, Rain, We’re Going on a Bear Hunt and A Squash and a Squeeze. It was a great experience for everyone involved; the Year 8s put on an incredible show which Years 2, 3 and 4 enjoyed very much!
Miss Berry
Year 7 have been exploring Hinduism this term, with an introduction to the trimurti, the three aspects of Ram and their feminine counterparts. Year 9 are studying Christianity and considering the significance of prayer and what it means to Christians. Year 10 have been very engaged with their study of Buddhism, looking at the teachings of Dharma.
Mr Bullock
Our Year 10 geographers braved the elements at Dawlish Warren last week for some field work. Despite adverse weather conditions, they all did brilliantly and were hard at work, collecting data on Groyne height measurements and wave counts to assess whether long shore drift was being prevented. Congratulations to all those who attended. Year 7 have also been conducting field work, but a little bit closer to home, collecting litter data from Thomas Hall School grounds and considering the impact of litter on humans and the environment.
Miss Cameron-Mitchell
As we are coming to the end of a very creative academic year, we would like to share some of the highlights from the Art department with you. Year 7 enjoyed learning about some of the techniques of Van Gogh in their 'Starry Night' and the 'endangered animal masks' of environmental artist Abigail Brown. Year 8 refined their printmaking and graphic design techniques, through studying the work of graphic designer Tim Marrs. Year 9 were studying the human face in great detail and learned about portrait artist, such as Frida Kahlo and Lucian Freud. Year 10 and Year 11 are continuing to work on their GCSE portfolios, exploring ideas, selecting and experimenting with different media, materials and techniques
Miss Darwish
A big shout out to our Year 10s who spent some time litter picking on Exeter Quay last week as part of a Surfers Against Sewage initiative. They collected 8.5 kilos of rubbish so well done to all who took part and a big thank you to Joe Wibley and Hannah Cockburn who facilitated the trip.

Mr Evans
Fun tongue twister (un virelangue) to try:

Un généreux déjeuner regénérerait des généraux dégénérés.
Translation: A generous lunch would regenerate the degenerate generals.
French idiom to learn:
« Ce n’est pas la mer à boire »
Literal translation: “It’s not as if you have to drink the sea.”
What it means: It’s not that difficult / It’s not the end of the world.
French sports and history!
The Olympics:
KS2 students have been learning about the history of the Olympics as this year the Olympics will be held in Paris. This is a significant year for Paris as it will have been 100 years since the games were last held in the city! The mascot will be a symbol of the phryge, a red, 3-pointed hat, which symbolises freedom and revolution.

Le Tour de France:
In addition, the students have been learning about the Tour de France, which started on the 29th June and will finish on the 21st July. The course always starts in a different country and this year Italy was the starting point.
Miss Cook
Year 8 and 9 Trip to Normandy
Thirty-four students from Year 8 and Year 9, accompanied by four members of staff, departed in the early hours of Monday morning for a 4 day, 3 night, adventure to Normandy, for an immersive French and History trip. The objective was to expose the students to the reality of D-Day, immerse them in the French language, and also to get the chance to see the 70 metre long Bayeux Tapestry, depicting the events of the Norman conquest of England in 1066.
Our itinerary:
Day 1:
· Arromanches 360 Cinema
· Arromanches Invasion Museum
· Mulberry Harbour
· Longues-Sur-Mer Battery
· Omaha Beach D-Day Museum & Beach
· La Cambe German War Cemetery
Day 2:
· Bayeux Tapestry Museum
· Bayeux Market
· Pointe du Hoc
· American Military Cemetery
We stayed in the Eisenhower Hotel in the beautiful, little fishing port of Port-en Bessin, located just west of the Mulberry Harbour.
The trip was a huge success and the students were a credit to the school, as they engaged positively with all of the activities, showing a genuine interest in the history around them. Additionally, they attempted to communicate with the people they came across in their best French (particularly to those selling food!) and socialised with other students outside of their friendship groups. A lot of crêpes, baguettes and ice creams were consumed along the way!
We are wrapping up the forest school year with some celebrations. The students have shown some astounding growth over the past year. Overcoming mental and physical challenges thus strengthening their confidence and resilience.
Developing social skills through quality time with peers and team building activities. Instilling a deeper connection and positive relationship to the natural world.- the ultimate teacher.
Over the past few weeks, we have taken years 7, 8 and 8 to the Eden project which was a great success. We have been building a new music area in the woods, drum kits and sticks, xylophones, guitars, and a grand piano.
Miss Parker
Attendance for two weeks ending 21 July 2024
We are thrilled to announce that our attendance stats have improved. We have finished the year with 14 students with 100% attendance, 44 students with 98% attendance and 36 students with 97%. So thank you to all those students for their commitment to our school. This fortnight the classes with the best attendance are Hazel in Primary and Acer in Secondary so well done to all the students in Hazel and Acer for your efforts.
Registration Form
Present R/C: Marks
Reception - Willow
Year 1 - Rowan
Year 2 - Birch
Year 3 - Yew
Year 4 - Hazel
Year 5 - Beech
Year 6 - Fir
Year 7 - Acer
Year 7 - Holly
Year 8 - Larch
Year 8 - Maple
Year 9 - Aspen
Year 9 - Juniper
Year 10 - Elm
Year 10 - Redwood
Please report absences before 9.00am by emailing absence.ahe@avanti.org.uk or telephoning 01392 757371 selecting option 1 to leave a message on the absence line.
Medical/dental and other appointments should be arranged outside of school hours when-ever possible. Confirmation of all appointments, by way of appointment card/letter or appointment slip, must be provided. Please notify the school at least 3 school days advance of the appointment.
Any non-medical absence must be requested by completing an absent request form (S2). This must be completed and returned to reception at least 3 weeks before the actual absence
Peripatetic Music Lessons
Sean Tucker-Clemens
Guitar Tuition
Sean trained at the Academy of Music and Sound in Exeter.
Since first picking up a guitar at the age of 17, he has studied many different aspects of both electric and acoustic playing and confidently teaches a wide range of musical genres.
Can offer electric and acoustic guitar, ukulele and beginner/ intermediate bass tuition.
Anna Cockroft
Anna Cockroft played both violin and piano from an early age and went on to study at Birmingham Conservatoire. After graduating she moved to Devon to start her playing and teaching career, and has enjoyed her music immensely ever since.She currently plays with Taunton Sinfonietta, is a member of the Beacon Piano Trio and the Orchard String Quartet and freelances for many orchestras. She has led the Exeter Bach Society's Orchestra for several years and was present at the Society's very first rehearsal.
Mike Marks
After stepping away from classroom teaching to have more time with my family, I have returned to my roots of music! Life is Music sessions are run embedded with the belief that we are all musicians and that music is all around us - once we feel these truths, the music flows naturally. These core beliefs lead to sessions infused with a love of music and an underlying exploration of the interconnectivity of Music and Life. Instruments act as the vehicle for growing these roots in my students. In 30 minutes, they might sing, beatbox and/or play any combination of piano, guitar, ukulele, bass, drum set, anything else we can find to make music with! As I always follow my students' interests, if they would like to just focus on one instrument, that is what we do.
Damai dan musik selalu :)
Mike from The Sounds of Learning at: thesoundsoflearning@gmail.com
Rob Maxwell
“Teaching and sharing my love for music has always been a part of my job that I really enjoy, and I feel privileged to be able to share my experience with the the next generation of musicians. I aspire to offer some inspiration to encourage students to get into music and discover what it can offer them and what they can offer others. Whether it's help learning pop music by ear, developing your theory knowledge, or studying for your ABRSM Grades, I can help.”
Rob Maxwell will be offering one to one piano lessons on a Monday and Tuesday afternoon. He is an experienced music teacher and teaches theory, reading and development of musical ear using songs that are known and enjoyable to the children. His fees are £10 per lesson and parents would sign up to a block of lessons for the term.
As part of our drive to make the transition of students to school safer we will be including a road safety section in every newsletter to highlight the risks involved. Please be assured that the majority of parents are ensuring the safety of our students through their awareness and road etiquette.
There is a small number of parents that have unfortunately highlighted some safety issues, mainly on West Garth road. There have been an increasing number of near misses, involving students and staff, due to bad driving, bad parking and ignoring the reasons for the coned off areas.
- The yellow coned off area is for students to safely cross the road.
- We will endeavour to have a staff member to be of assistance in this yellow coned zone where possible.
- This is not a zone that car drivers can stop, park or drop off/pick up.
- We strongly encourage parents not to undertake three point turns in West Garth road. This endangers the safety of students and causes unnecessary hold up of traffic, including buses.
- Please use the triangle grass island from the back gate entrance 100m/109yards to change direction of travel safely.
- No parking or dropping off in Roundhill close.
For more information on renting a locker go to Locker.rentals or click the link
We are thrilled to present you with our new menus which will be available from September. Primary pupils will continue to book their lunches using ParentPay and there will be a new Biometric system in place for Secondary pupils in the Autumn Term.