Thomas Hall School Newsletter - Vol 1 - 28.06.24
Message from The Headteacher
Welcome to the inaugural edition of Thomas Hall's new newsletter, I hope you enjoy reading it and that it will give you a real insight into daily life at our unique and wonderful school. All relevant web links have been imbedded into the text, to make it more accessible for parents and students going forward.
This week Years 5 and 6 have been off on a four-day multi-activity residential to Barton Hall PGL in Torquay and we are looking forward to hearing stories of their adventures next week. On Thursday we hosted 22 Headteachers and executives from Reach South at the school for a conference and we were thrilled to be able to showcase our beautiful grounds and historic buildings. The event was a big success, so thank you to all the pupils and staff for being so accommodating to our visitors.
Year 10 have started their mocks, in preparation for commencing their exam year in September, and I have been really impressed with how well they are handling it. We have been working hard to improve access to education for all and have been actively recruiting to ensure that we can meet all students' needs. On Monday we have a new Behaviour Lead for KS3 starting and we are interviewing today for a new Behaviour Lead for KS4. I was delighted to learn that our Year 4s have achieved the best ever results in their Times Tables Check and, equally impressively, Year 6 have achieved the best ever results in their Writing Moderation which is a real testament to all the extra efforts that our staff and pupils have been making and is a fantastic indicator of how much progress has been made. On Monday, I have a meeting with the Improvement Board so we can continue this upwards trajectory. Next week, Year 3 are heading off on a day-trip to RAMM where they are sure to be captivated by the diverse collections of exotic wildlife, innovative contemporary art, prehistoric remains and World Culture.
Finally, I can assure that, going forward, our Senior Leadership Team will not be using their phones at the gates. There will be another opportunity for parents to meet more of the Reach South staff early in the Autumn term and I will be sending out details in September.
If you would like to share any points or feedback with the school, please continue to complete our form via the website. We are looking into all areas we can improve, and we have been delighted to work with parents and pupils on issues raised.
Parent Feedback Form

Phil Arnold - Head Teacher
Congratulations to our own Mr Whibley, who is now the Mayor of Exmouth!
And a big shout out to the year 11s for completing their GCSE's, we look forward to your results!
Educational Excellence
Reception have been very engaged with this half term's theme - Minibeasts. Last week we had a fantastic visit from a Minibeast expert and the children loved seeming some minibeasts up close and learning about life cycles and habitats. This week we have been reading the minibeast classic, The Hungry Caterpillar, and talking about mapping stories.

In our geography topic 'Hot and Cold Locations' we have been learning what different areas of the Earth feel and look like. We know the difference between the North and South pole and can explain what countries that lie on the equator are like.

Year 2 have been enthusiastically experimenting with colour and textures and have created some beautiful mixed media collages. In maths, they have been working very hard at statistics, producing some excellent pictograms and in literacy they have been expressing themselves creatively with diary writing. We have been enjoying reading Fantastic Mr Fox together as a class and the children have come up with some brilliant character voices.

Year 3 and 4 have been on a school trip to Dartmouth last week. We were welcomed by Spirit of Adventure, who led the children's activities. The children walked 2 miles to the camp and then had the opportunity to zipline across the woodland, they ALL did it and absolutely loved it. We also whittled forks for the morning. We slept in cabins and sleeping bags. They made pizza and had soup. Later that evening they ran and rolled down the big hill, followed by hot chocolate by the fire. In the morning, we had sausages and made toast with our whittled forks. We then went out on the water in our canoes before our walk out to the coach.
Year 3 and 4 had an amazing time. We are so proud of them!
For more photos, please contact the school via reception@thomashallschool.org
This week Years 5 and 6 headed off for a four-day multi-activity residential to Barton Hall PGL in Torquay. They had a wonderful time exploring the 45-acre site, enjoying the fantastic facilities on offer there and building confidence, learning new skills such as abseiling and riding.
KS3 have been studying Geometry and Measures. Year 9 were introduced to Pythagoras' Theorem, and produced some impressive displays showing a proof of the Theorem.

Mrs Pollington
Year 10 have just finished their English lit exams and are now working hard on the oral element, preparing presentations on topics of their choice. KS3 have been exploring different extracts from classic novels such as Pride & Prejudice, Jane Eyre, Frankenstein and Dracula.

Miss Lewis
Year 11 have now finished their GCSE course in History and completed 3 exams. They worked well with revision and most attended the after school revision club set up for them. Year 10 have completed the Elizabethan topic and are currently preparing for their mock exams that begin next week. Revision material has been given to them and they have been encouraged to revise the topics that will be in the exam. KS 3 have been working well and are close to completing their final topics before the transition into their next school year. Some of the year 8 and 9 students are also getting ready for their school trip to Normandy where they will be able to visit some historical sites to reinforce some of their learning and to sample the French culture.

Mr Hawkins
The sun is out and it's rounders on the front lawn again.
Are we going to find our next sports superstar? They're off to a great start.

Mr Page & Mr Morgan
Here is a year 7 Holly science dimple tray with boiled red cabbage juice used as a colorimetric indicator to show the colour change when mixed with different acids and alkalis.

Mr Jones

Marvellous music working on a multitrack project :)
Mr Jones
Year 10 have completed their final devised practical performance exam. They focused on the following stimuli: a photograph by Gordon Parks, the poem 'Purple' by Jenny Joseph and 'Teardrop' by Massive Attack. The Year 10s worked very hard in creating an original piece of theatre, developing character work, performance skills and research. They also provided costumes and worked with our specialist lighting designer and teacher, Mrs Banks to create a professional piece of work. A moderator came from another school to watch and assess their work. They are now in the process of writing up their portfolio based on this performance.
Miss Berry 
Year 8s have been exploring the religious beliefs and history of Islam and the practices of Muslims around the globe.
They have been studying the five Pillars of Islam.
- Profession of Faith (shahada). The belief that "There is no god but God, and Muhammad is the Messenger of God" is central to Islam.
- Prayer (salat).
- Alms (zakat).
- Fasting (sawm).
- Pilgrimage (hajj).
Mr Bullock
KS3 have been making some incredibly life-like models of geographical landmarks in their local areas. Reminder: Please remember to submit your photos on the GA website if you would like to enter the competition.

Miss Cameron-Mitchell
Art and the environment.
We are looking for donations to the art department for our recycling project.
Inspired by artists such as Guerra de la Paz, who utilise recycled objects to convey their message.
Miss Darwish
Year 7 went on an excursion to the Eden Project and had a wonderful day, exploring the 20 acres of outdoor gardens and learning about rainforests and ecosystems.

Mr Evans
Fun tongue twister (un virelangue) to try:
"Ces six saucissons-secs-ci sont si secs qu’on ne sait si s’en sont."
"These six dried sausages are so dry that we don’t know if they are (dried sausages)."
French idiom to learn:
“Coup de foudre”
Literal translation: a lightning strike.
Actual meaning: to fall madly in love at first sight.

The students in Yrs. 5 & 6 are learning about the Olympic Games this half term.
The Olympics began in Greece in 776 BC and came to an end with the fall of the Greek Empire in 393 AD. But, did you know that they were revived in 1896 by a Frenchman, Pierre de Coubertin? (pictured below)

The Olympics are taking place in Paris this year, 100 years since they were last in Paris, in 1924.
Miss Cook
The forest has flourished, and we are enjoying being amongst the abundance of wildlife, plants and flowers. We have been celebrating Summer Solstice, exploring our senses, enjoying elderflower fritters, creating music with body and instrumental percussion and the handpan. The children performed their musical pieces to the class.

Year 7 had a brilliant day out to the Eden Project to explore the rainforest and Mediterranean Biomes. We are looking forward to the year 8 and 9 trips next month. Miss Parker
Attendance for two weeks ending 27 June 2024
Please report absences before 9.00am by emailing attendance@thomashallschool.org or telephoning 01392 757371 selecting option 1 to leave a message on the absence line.
Medical/dental and other appointments should be arranged outside of school hours when-ever possible. Confirmation of all appointments, by way of appointment card/letter or appointment slip, must be provided. Please notify the school at least 3 school days advance of the appointment.
Any non-medical absence must be requested by completing an absent request form (S2). This must be completed and returned to reception at least 3 weeks before the actual absence
Peripatetic Music Lessons
Sean Tucker-Clemens
Guitar Tuition
Sean trained at the Academy of Music and Sound in Exeter.
Since first picking up a guitar at the age of 17, he has studied many different aspects of both electric and acoustic playing and confidently teaches a wide range of musical genres.
Can offer electric and acoustic guitar, ukulele and beginner/ intermediate bass tuition.
Anna Cockroft
Anna Cockroft played both violin and piano from an early age and went on to study at Birmingham Conservatoire. After graduating she moved to Devon to start her playing and teaching career, and has enjoyed her music immensely ever since.She currently plays with Taunton Sinfonietta, is a member of the Beacon Piano Trio and the Orchard String Quartet and freelances for many orchestras. She has led the Exeter Bach Society's Orchestra for several years and was present at the Society's very first rehearsal.
Mike Marks
After stepping away from classroom teaching to have more time with my family, I have returned to my roots of music! Life is Music sessions are run embedded with the belief that we are all musicians and that music is all around us - once we feel these truths, the music flows naturally. These core beliefs lead to sessions infused with a love of music and an underlying exploration of the interconnectivity of Music and Life. Instruments act as the vehicle for growing these roots in my students. In 30 minutes, they might sing, beatbox and/or play any combination of piano, guitar, ukulele, bass, drum set, anything else we can find to make music with! As I always follow my students' interests, if they would like to just focus on one instrument, that is what we do.
Damai dan musik selalu :)
Mike from The Sounds of Learning at: thesoundsoflearning@gmail.com
Rob Maxwell
“Teaching and sharing my love for music has always been a part of my job that I really enjoy, and I feel privileged to be able to share my experience with the the next generation of musicians. I aspire to offer some inspiration to encourage students to get into music and discover what it can offer them and what they can offer others. Whether it's help learning pop music by ear, developing your theory knowledge, or studying for your ABRSM Grades, I can help.”
Rob Maxwell will be offering one to one piano lessons on a Monday and Tuesday afternoon. He is an experienced music teacher and teaches theory, reading and development of musical ear using songs that are known and enjoyable to the children. His fees are £10 per lesson and parents would sign up to a block of lessons for the term.
Name: Mrs Helen Wavish
Job title: SEN Support Officer
What do you do on an average day? So far… many training courses, invigilating, setting up and adding to the online filing system, preparing Exam Access Arrangements for years 9 & 10, supporting the SENCOs, and often meeting and helping students that come into the SEN office for various needs.
What is the best part of your day? Chatting to my boys to and from school, it is our safe space to discuss absolutely anything ??
What is the most challenging part of your day? Feeding my three autistic children, we often have three or four different meals for dinner – I have a large oven but could do with a longer worktop!
Something about me: Am quite enjoying my latest crafty thing – pressing seaweed, especially pink and red seaweed from Cornwall. I also love reading or gardening when I get a chance.
As part of our drive to make the transition of students to school safer we will be including a road safety section in every newsletter to highlight the risks involved. Please be assured that the majority of parents are ensuring the safety of our students through their awareness and road etiquette.
There is a small number of parents that have unfortunately highlighted some safety issues, mainly on West Garth road. There have been an increasing number of near misses, involving students and staff, due to bad driving, bad parking and ignoring the reasons for the coned off areas.
- The yellow coned off area is for students to safely cross the road.
- We will endeavour to have a staff member to be of assistance in this yellow coned zone where possible.
- This is not a zone that car drivers can stop, park or drop off/pick up.
- We strongly encourage parents not to undertake three point turns in West Garth road. This endangers the safety of students and causes unnecessary hold up of traffic, including buses.
- Please use the triangle grass island from the back gate entrance 100m/109yards to change direction of travel safely.
- No parking or dropping off in Roundhill close.
For more information on renting a locker go to Locker.rentals or click the link