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"We study history not to be clever in another time, but to be wise always." Cicero



What is unique?  

In history, we cover world history that spans Neothlithic life to complex modern politics. This gives a unique insight into the evolution of humans and what makes us, us.  

What is magic?  

Every story that we read, or film we watch is based on the events that have happened in our past. By studying history we open a rich tapestry of life that demonstrates where we and our ancestors have come from.  

What will pupils miss?  

History links us to other curriculum areas and encourages us to be critical thinkers. We develop a key understanding of communities and political systems that have shaped our world. By understanding world events we develop a deep understanding of other cultures and try to ensure that past atrocities are never repeated. 

Contact Us

Thomas Hall, Cowley Bridge Road, Exeter EX4 5AD

T: 01392 757371