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PE and Sport Premium

School’s PE and Sport Strategy

Prior to this academic year the school’s community had not played much competitive sport. As such, many pupils were starting from a low skill and understanding level. From this year onwards, Physical education and sport will play an instrumental part in our support for our community. Despite the global pandemic, we will continue to offer as much PE and sport that is practically and safely possible. We have cleaners on site all day to clean areas so that the hall can be used for classes. Many teachers are running their own sports – based clubs to support with engagement and creating opportunities, despite the restrictive situation of the year.

We strive to help all children lead a fulfilling lifestyle. PE and sport is vital as we help all children to be fit and healthy; able to take a full and active part in life; and develop their skills of leadership, communication, teamwork, resilience and collaboration. We want children to have a wide network of friends and be able to take part in new ventures without hesitation.

An instrumental part of the strategy involves up-skilling our teachers to have both the confidence and competence to teach physical education. By providing excellent provision of physical education and sport our children will have increased self-esteem, confidence and recognise that their skills and talents are something to be celebrated – all children have something that they can truly celebrate. This will lead into the children being more confident in areas they were less confident in and have the resilience and determination to have a go and succeed.

By increasing the number of opportunities for children they will learn and further improve their academic achievements. We continue to find different ways to do this in these difficult times. Wherever possible we will offer a wide range of activities so that all children have an opportunity to find or develop further, something that they can enjoy and can develop in.

Contact Us

Thomas Hall, Cowley Bridge Road, Exeter EX4 5AD

T: 01392 757371