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Curriculum Statement

All pupils engage fully in their learning, and the learning of their peers. This creates ambition in every child, and the confidence that anything can be achieved, with dedication.

Our broad curriculum model is built on research and expertise that will support every individual in reaching their full potential. Our journey of learning starts in Reception, with the core skills taught by expert teachers who provide the foundations for pupils to excel throughout their time at Thomas Hall School and allow them to be confident and ambitious lifelong learners. Our curriculum develops knowledge, through a well sequenced model that allows pupils to successfully move through each key stage, building the confidence to challenge and articulate key elements of academic study. Teachers work across subjects to ensure that learning is transferable, and this creates a balance that pupils can take on to higher education.

Expert teachers provide energy and engagement in every classroom, where pupils debate, discuss and question. Our curriculum expands beyond the classroom, with enrichment built into the core elements of learning.

Pupils achieve highly as they are known to every member of staff and are challenged to reach their full potential. Every child learns in a different way and all our staff understand and recognise this in their practice and ensure the needs of each individual are met.

All pupils will have an identified class teacher in the primary phase and a tutor at secondary. It is this relationship that is key to our approach, supporting individuals to access all elements of the curriculum, to work collaboratively and foster positive learning habits. Classrooms are full of challenge, collaboration and debate that sustains intellectual curiosity. We expect our pupils to work together, to share ideas, to produce group work, and to challenge and support each other.

Learning at Thomas Hall School is a purposeful, challenging and an enjoyable experience, and we are very proud of what we are able to offer our pupils.

Contact Us

Thomas Hall, Cowley Bridge Road, Exeter EX4 5AD

T: 01392 757371